Vimeo Reflection

I think that Vimeo is largely overshadowed by YouTube, although the platform itself isn't bad. One benefit of YouTube is that it easily links with the Google Suite, which is the predominant platform of most schools and personal accounts. On the flipside, you can download Vimeo videos so you aren't reliant on working internet to ensure that a video plays, which is nice. In addition, lots of teachers have uploaded educational videos for professional development on Vimeo, so that is beneficial, especially for running low-cost professional development. In addition, YouTube has done a lot of advertising recently and not all of it is school appropriate. It can also be problematic that YouTube starts playing a new video at the end of the first, depending on the content of the second video. Ultimately, if I were to upload a video of my own I would probably upload it to YouTube because it is easy to post my videos to my students in Google Classroom or to post to my Google Sites. However, I might keep Vimeo in the back of my mind next time I am doing a video search just to see what is out there, because there are probably lots of videos that aren't on both.


  1. Thanks, Lani, for the good comparison of the two tools. I, too, will keep Vimeo on the back burner for some future projects.


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